FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the average speed a driver can log with today’s highway speed limits?

Drivers are required to conform to the posted speed limits prescribed by the jurisdictions in or through which they travel. Where the total trip is on highways with a speed limit of 65 mph, trips of 550-600 miles completed in 10 hours are considered questionable and the motor carrier may be asked to document that such trips can be made. Trips of 600 miles or more will be assumed to be incapable of being completed without violations of the speed limits and may be required to be documented. In areas where a 55 mph speed limit is in effect, trips of 450-500 are open to question; and runs of 500 miles or more are considered incapable of being made in compliance with the speed limit and hours of service limitation. (Interpretive Guidelines: 392.6 Your question: 1)

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Can a dispatcher that occasionally drives put more than one day of work on a single hours of service log?

No. Only multiple days off-duty can be put on a single log. (395.8(f)(10) However, a Statement of Prior On-Duty Time for the previous seven consecutive days can be used to satisfy the hours of service requirements. 395.8(J)(2)

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Is a casual driver required to keep a log for days not working for our company?

No. A Seven Day Prior Certification Form may be used. (395.8 (j)(2))

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We have a driver that works only one week during the month. Does he need to fill out a hours of service log for each day he is off?

No. The driver has the following options: He/she may complete a single log listing all days off duty or he/she may complete a Statement of Prior On-Duty Time for the previous seven consecutive days. (395.8(f)(10) & 395.8(j)(2)

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